1. Haiti- Ian
I choose this one because I think this country needs alot of help to gain money for recovery of many hurt people. Help it!
2. India-Shariemar
I think that this country needs help to became better because they have to much poverty.
3. Tibet- Ivette
In here there is bad things happening that some chinese want to destroy the culture and thay have to be free.
4. Tunisia- Adriana N.
The freedom in speech is violated, the goverment are making alot of fraud and don't let the population express their opinions to become better.
5. Sudan- Jalimar
Their is to much cruelty, people should be more free and betreated more nicely.
6. Somalia- Paola C.
This country don't have any help so they can make up their needs and in here many human rights are violated.
Thay have to stop the cruelty with humans.
7. Japan - Juan
This country right know need many help after that tsunami that have cross them thay have many problems and specially of discrimination.
8. Dominican Republic- Natalia C.
In here there's alot of corruption that have to stop and should not be discriminate by any thing even though of HIV.
9.Afghanistan- Wilson
They want to choose their goverment so it became a better country. In here their are many struggles and killing each other.
10. Cuba- Giovanni
I think they have the right to choose their own goverment to have progress in their country.
Loving Our Rights Vale :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
According to the problems and helps this country needs are many. A solution to each one of them can be to listen to each other needs and try to help each other. They need to stop all violence and bacame like a family even though they have to care in different religions. We should make a change to be a better and lovable country even though sometime we have difficulty.
The mission of Uganda is to equal rights to everyone. This was approved in 2006 after long time challenging with many high class people of goverment. Everyone in the world is equal the only that can change are in their beliefs that in that part everyone's different.
The mission of Uganda is to equal rights to everyone. This was approved in 2006 after long time challenging with many high class people of goverment. Everyone in the world is equal the only that can change are in their beliefs that in that part everyone's different.
Everyone has the right to be well educated without paying nothing because of that many Ugandan's couldn't get an education. They should invest more money in things that are useful like this than in other stuff that don't have any sense to become better. You should help us and this is very important because this could happen to any country of the world including where you live.
As everyone is equal a good solution is to accept people that are homosexuals because thay are same as us. Only they have their preferences in sex but that doesn't mean we are going to be bad to them. We should be all treated the same way. Come On You Can Do It :)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
For nearly two decades, Northern Uganda has been ravaged by conflict. Thousands of civilians have been subject to brutal attacks, rape, torture, extra-judicial execution and destruction of homes and communities. In the last several years, there has been some movement toward justice, including the opening of investigations at the International Criminal Court, but the progress has been slow and marred by continued violence.
The vast majority of abuses in Northern Uganda have been committed by what amounts to an army of children. The Lord's Resistance Army a rebel group fighting since 1986, has systematically abducted children for use as soldiers. An estimated 20,000 were abducted between 1999 and 2004 alone. Up to eighty percent of the group's entire military force is now made up of child soldiers.
The vast majority of abuses in Northern Uganda have been committed by what amounts to an army of children. The Lord's Resistance Army a rebel group fighting since 1986, has systematically abducted children for use as soldiers. An estimated 20,000 were abducted between 1999 and 2004 alone. Up to eighty percent of the group's entire military force is now made up of child soldiers.
The education in Uganda was facing the higher prices to get an education and lowest prices paid for teachers work. This was a very big problem because many of the population couldnt get a good education. In here there not are healthy environments because thay only have one doctor to attend houndreds of people. That is to much of the population, that's why many people died.
A big problem in Uganda was the homosexuality because peopl in ther that were gay and say it thay get killed. Homosexuality is banned in Uganda, which is mulling a harsh new anti-gay bill that would usher in the death sentence for acts of "aggravated homosexuality".
Monday, April 11, 2011
Uganda's population is predominately rural, and its population density is highest in the southern regions. Asians constituted the largest non-indigenous ethnic group in Uganda until 1972, when the Idi Amin regime expelled 50,000 Asians who had been engaged in trade, industry, and various professions. After Amin's overthrow in 1979, Asians slowly began returning, but Uganda's Asian population has never reached the same numbers. Idi Amin was a military leader and President of Uganda from 1971 to 1979. He destroy alot of this country one of them is that he abuse of human rights and do alot of corruption.
Arab traders moved inland from their enclaves along the Indian Ocean coast of East Africa and reached the interior of Uganda in the 1830s, they found several African kingdoms with well-developed political institutions dating back several centuries. These traders were followed in the 1860s by British explorers searching for the source of the Nile River. In 1888, control of the emerging British "sphere of interest" in East Africa was assigned by royal charter to the Imperial British East Africa Company, an arrangement strengthened in 1890 by an Anglo-German agreement confirming British dominance over Kenya and Uganda.
In September 1967, a new constitution proclaimed Uganda a republic, gave the president even greater powers, and abolished the traditional kingdoms. On January 25, 1971, Obote's government was ousted in a military coup led by armed forces commander Idi Amin Dada. Amin declared himself president, dissolved the parliament, and amended the constitution to give himself absolute power.Idi Amin's 8-year rule produced economic decline, social disintegration, and massive human rights violations. In October 1978, Tanzanian armed forces repulsed an incursion of Amin's troops into Tanzanian territory. The Tanzanian force, backed by Ugandan exiles, waged a war of liberation against Amin's troops and Libyan soldiers sent to help him. On April 11, 1979, Kampala was captured, and Amin fled with his remaining forces.
Obote ruled until July 27, 1985, when an army brigade, composed mostly of ethnic Acholi troops and commanded by Lt. Gen. Basilio Olara-Okello, took Kampala and proclaimed a military government. Obote fled to exile in Zambia. The new regime, headed by former defense force commander Gen.The 1995 constitution established Uganda as a republic with executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The constitution provides for an executive president, to be elected every 5 years. President Yoweri Museveni, in power since 1986, was elected in 1996 and reelected in 2001, 2006, and 2011.
Principal Government Official
President and Commander in Chief--Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
Vice President--Gilbert Bukenya
Prime Minister--Apollo Nsibambi
Foreign Minister--Sam Kutesa
Minister of Defense--Crispus Kiyonga
Ambassador to the United States--Perezi K. Kamunanwire
Although U.S.-Ugandan relations were strained during the rule of Idi Amin in the 1970s, relations improved after Amin's fall.Bilateral relations between the United States and Uganda have been good since Museveni assumed power, and the United States welcomed Museveni’s efforts to end human rights abuses and to pursue economic reform.
Natural Disasters from 1980 - 201
No of events: | 61 |
No of people killed: | 2,280 |
Average killed per year: | 74 |
No of people affected: | 4,938,644 |
Average affected per year: | 159,311 |
Ecomomic Damage (US$ X 1,000): | 72,671 |
Ecomomic Damage per year (US$ X 1,000): | 2,344 |
World Bank
Department of State
All Africa
FSD International
Maps of the World
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
This is UGANDA!
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Some traditional dances in Uganda. |
Most Ugandan's speaken language are English, Swahili or Arabic and Central Sudanic. These different languages are used throughout each ethnic group living in Uganda. The language is something that make the groups different than each other.
In Uganda most all population except for some that live in urban centers produce their own food. Most of the people eat two meals a day: for breakfast is a coffee or something like that. The women and girls are the one's that can be in the kitchen because boys and men eat in another part of the house.(separate from women) They cook most of the time in open wood fire. Some common food could be the millet bread, cassava, potatoe and chiken. Also they have a national drink called waragi (banana). Uganda also have restaurants that can also serve this kind of food.
In Uganda a hand shaking is a normal form of greeting. They use casual dressess throughout all day and evening. To a taxi and a waiter have to give a 10 tip. In here is very important to follow the etiquette all the time especially in meals. When they are going to eat meals thay first put plats in the table and wash their hands. Children can only talk if they are going to do a question everyone else shouldn't speak. Nobody can't leave the table until everyone finished. Also when everyone is finished they have to thank their mother for the food. If you don't do those things you will be very disrespectful.
Religious identity has economic and political implications: church membership has influenced opportunities for education, employment, and social advancement. Leaders of indigenous religions reinforce group solidarity by providing elements necessary for societal survival: remembrance of ancestors, means of settling disputes, and recognition of individual achievement. Another social function of religious practitioners is helping people cope with pain, suffering, and defeat by providing an explanation of their causes. Religious beliefs and practices serve political aims by bolstering the authority of temporal rulers and allowing new leaders to mobilize political power and implement political change.
Most artist are not well supported,in here there aren't to much artists at all because is very difficult to stablish because of disruptions of long-term political conflict and economic decline. Even though literature in here had come back since World War. In Uganda the performing arts difference from each ethnic group. In Uganda live alot of rich cultures and styles that each one can perform different dances: the banyankole perform their Kitaguriro dance and many orders had their own that identify each one. Uganda has a special instrument named Drum who was made of animal skin. It is used to send messages to the intended ceremony.
Uganda at you seen have many beautiful and artistic artifacts that make this country special because every country have differences of culture. Enjoy it! :)
Cite This:
Every Culture
About Uganda
Monday, April 4, 2011
UGANDA is located in Eastern Africa (West of Kenya and East of Congo). Most of it are plateau with mountains. Most areas are wetlands and passed many soil erosion. In Uganda there are many lakes and river; this land is very fertile.
The population is very high of 34,612,250 most of this population went decreasing because of aids that were been killing many people. Uganda was it common name for this country but is real named Republic of Uganda and was named like that because their goverment was a republic. The Political State became Independence in October 1962. The most common languages speak in hear in English and Luganda.
They also have more languages but are not speak too much at all. In Uganda the most common religions were Roman Catholic and Protestants (Anglican,Muslim,etc.). The Suffrage in this country was for18 years old and also was Universal. There legal system was by the English common law and costumary law. The most important group to defense was the military that was formed from the ages from 18 to 30 some were professionals and others volunteers. This help alot Uganda to be safe.
Uganda's economy has subsential natural resources like small containers of gold and copper and it was soon discovered the oil in there. This was important because is a good thing to help economy and by this is growing employment. They start to sell products in high prices and the icreasing more the petroleum products. Uganda exports coffee,fish,tea,flowers,cotton and gold; he imports vehicles,petroleum, medical supplies and cereals.
Comunications: Most population used mobille celular. (9.384 million) Also the Internet users are many than hosts using it.(3.2 million) Uganda dont have as many transportations has only 46 airports. This country have many poverty because they are out of money and in there are many diseases that were killing many of the Uganda's population. There Flag is colored black,yellow and red with a circle and inside a red crested crane. Tha black means African people, the yellow is the sunshine and the red stands for African brotherhood. this is something that represents Ugandan's with I hope they start being a better country!
The population is very high of 34,612,250 most of this population went decreasing because of aids that were been killing many people. Uganda was it common name for this country but is real named Republic of Uganda and was named like that because their goverment was a republic. The Political State became Independence in October 1962. The most common languages speak in hear in English and Luganda.
They also have more languages but are not speak too much at all. In Uganda the most common religions were Roman Catholic and Protestants (Anglican,Muslim,etc.). The Suffrage in this country was for18 years old and also was Universal. There legal system was by the English common law and costumary law. The most important group to defense was the military that was formed from the ages from 18 to 30 some were professionals and others volunteers. This help alot Uganda to be safe.
Uganda's economy has subsential natural resources like small containers of gold and copper and it was soon discovered the oil in there. This was important because is a good thing to help economy and by this is growing employment. They start to sell products in high prices and the icreasing more the petroleum products. Uganda exports coffee,fish,tea,flowers,cotton and gold; he imports vehicles,petroleum, medical supplies and cereals.
Comunications: Most population used mobille celular. (9.384 million) Also the Internet users are many than hosts using it.(3.2 million) Uganda dont have as many transportations has only 46 airports. This country have many poverty because they are out of money and in there are many diseases that were killing many of the Uganda's population. There Flag is colored black,yellow and red with a circle and inside a red crested crane. Tha black means African people, the yellow is the sunshine and the red stands for African brotherhood. this is something that represents Ugandan's with I hope they start being a better country!
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Uganda's Flag! |
CIA World Factbook
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