Monday, April 4, 2011


UGANDA is located in Eastern Africa (West of Kenya and East of Congo). Most of it are plateau with mountains. Most areas are wetlands and passed many soil erosion. In Uganda there are many lakes and river; this land is very fertile.

The population is very high of 34,612,250 most of this population went decreasing because of aids that were been killing many people. Uganda was it common name for this country but is real named Republic of Uganda and was named like that because their goverment was a  republic. The Political State became Independence in October 1962. The most common languages speak in hear in English and Luganda.

They also have more languages but are not speak too much at all. In Uganda the most common religions were Roman Catholic and Protestants (Anglican,Muslim,etc.). The Suffrage in this country was for18 years old and also was Universal. There legal system was by the English common law and costumary law. The most important group to defense was the military that was formed from the ages from 18 to 30 some were professionals and others volunteers. This help alot Uganda to be safe.

Uganda's economy has subsential natural resources like small containers of gold and copper and it was soon discovered the oil in there. This was important because is a good thing to help economy and by this is growing employment. They start to sell products in high prices and the icreasing more the petroleum products. Uganda exports coffee,fish,tea,flowers,cotton and gold; he imports vehicles,petroleum, medical supplies and cereals.

Comunications: Most population used mobille celular. (9.384 million) Also the Internet users are many than hosts using it.(3.2 million) Uganda dont have as many transportations has only 46 airports. This country have many poverty because they are out of money and in there are many diseases that were killing many of the Uganda's population.  There Flag is colored black,yellow and red with a circle and inside a red crested crane. Tha black means African people, the yellow is the sunshine and the red stands for African brotherhood. this is something that represents Ugandan's with  I hope they start being a better country!

Uganda's Flag!

CIA World Factbook

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